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This site is the Internet museum where Japanese style painting person MASATSUGU ITO's work is exhibited.
The Japanese style painting is a genre of the painting that has developed around the painting on a fusuma and the hanging scroll.
To appreciate in such a style, it devises it.
Please enjoy the scale of those works on the Internet while imaging the thing.

Each image chart is the one (the synthesis of the photograph of the work to the background and the processing).
These exhibitions do not actually exist. Please enjoy it only on the net.
However, each work is a work of the real existence exhibited . (Excluding part. )
Please come to see the exhibition by all means after confirming newly arrived information etc.

Thank you.



桜樹霊図 Splits of Cherry blossomes  

楓図(子延川の楓からイメージして) Moth

滝桜図 Cherry blossoms

桜樹満月図 Cherry blossoms and full moon

藤花図 Wistaria flower

老椿図  Aged camellia

岩上独猿図  Solitary monkey on rock

臥龍松図 Pine like snake

白梅図 White plum tree

滝桜図 Cherry blossoms like waterfall

枯松樹図 Dying pine

大欅図 Large zelkova

老椿図 Aged camellia

大杉図  Large Japan cedar

神代桜図  Cherry blossoms from god's world that are

老椿図 Aged camellia

洞杉図 Cave Japan cedar

臥龍松舞台 Stage of pine like snake

巨岩図 Massive rock

サボテン図 Cactus

散華図 Dispersed flower


倒杉木図 Falling Japan cedar

枯向日葵図 Dying sunflower