渺 渺 展 2010

BYO-BYO-Ten Exhibition



青木志子  青木 恵   朝倉隆文  池田真理子  伊東正次  岩田壮平  鵜飼義丈  金子絵理  木下めいこ  清見佳奈子

佐伯千尋  坂本藍子  櫻井伸浩  佐 藤陽子  清水研二朗   たなかなみこ  棚町宜弘  野田夕希  服部泰一  平野美加   

廣瀬佐紀子  松崎十朗  三浦弘   水野寛奈   南聡   森美樹 行近壯之助   吉岡順一   吉田千恵    渡邉智子







渺 渺 展


Welcome to BYO-BYO-Ten Exhibition!!

This is a Japanese-painting-group which consist of approved younger artists who have various art careers,
such as belonging to a major contributory art group,
The Japan fine arts exhibition, another radical group The So-ga Kaiユ, and the rests are freelance, respectively.
This exhibition annually (basically in June) takes place at a gallery in Ginza
( The most sophisticated and fashionable area in Japan. So to say, it is the Mecca of Japanユs art world.) Tokyo.
Our main motto is Constructive Progression Together.
In this connection, BYO-BYO literally means extending eternall in Japanese.
We would like to make efforts and do our best by means of exchanging constructive opinions sometimes having arguments among us.
Thus, we develop our worlds beyond our existing abilities just following the name.
This home page contains photos of series of our Japanese-painting works.
We hope you have a look and enjoy them.
If you could give us your constructive, possibly critical opinions, we would be so happy with it.
If you have any question about artists and paintings, and require more detailed information,
please do not hesitate to contact and inquire us at any time whenever you need.
Thank you very much indeed.

-What's Japanese painting?-
To be honest, it is difficult to define what's Japanese painting.
When you see those paintings just at a glance, apparently they resemble western oil paintings.
In the recent Japanese painting world, students have studied in accordance with imported western methods
(recognizing light and shadow to represent objects)in at least a last century,
but not with traditional Japanese way (focusing on lines which define objects).
We can tell, the only obvious point is material. We basically use typical Japanese paper made from fiber of particular plants,
pigments made of minerals, dying materials and Indian ink.
We make good use of ability of Japanese paper and another traditional materials,
we can express and enjoy unique and subtle expressions such as gradations and natural spreads.
Sometimes metal leaves, such as gold, silver, brass, and copper, can be used to make decorative textures.
Any those circumstance aside, we dare try and experiment somehow to develop brand new Japanese painting world all together.

出 品 作 品WORKS(前半FIRST)

青木志子  青木 恵   朝倉隆文  池田真理子  伊東正次
岩田壮平  鵜飼義丈  金子絵理  木下めいこ  清見佳奈子
佐伯千尋  坂本藍子  櫻井伸浩  佐 藤陽子  清水研二朗

出 品 作 品WORKS(後半LATTER)

たなかなみこ  棚町宜弘  野田夕希  服部泰一  平野美加
廣瀬佐紀子  松崎十朗  三浦弘   水野寛奈   南聡   森美樹
行近壯之助   吉岡順一   吉田千恵    渡邉智子




